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What I learned through Max Burgers about The Natural Step #MVO

As I told in the previous blog, I listened to the Max Burger case yesterday. And I got intrigued by The Natural Step. A two-minute introduction:

I saw this introduction before and I liked it because it is simple/clear. I did not like “the less bad approach”. The doing good, instead less bad is what inspires me most in the cradle to cradle approach. But when I now take the time to watch this 17 minutes video, that negative feeling disappears. (If you want shorter video’s, look here). By the way. I mainly took the time to watch because Harry de Boer told me a little bit about the background of the man, an oncologist, and made me curious. Maybe in summer I’ll read the whole story.

Two internetpages with a bit more in depth information: The Four Systems Conditions and the ABCD, backcasting method. 

In relation to teaching, I like two things about the concept: It’s simplicity and the amount of case studies available. For our field of work, I miss the advantage of linkage between ISO26000 and GRI for sustainable measuring/reporting. And I need a little bit more tim to figure out the link with the circular economy idea. I’ll start exploring thea on the website of the hosts of yesterday The flexible platform.

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