De lerende docent

In ontmoeting de volgende stap te zetten

Week 2 #Ulab

Van ego-systeem naar eco-systeemThe journey goes on:

Waaruit bestond week 2:

  • Een sessie met coaching circle
  • Lesmateriaal: Levels of conversation.
  • Huiswerk: hoofdstukken lezen, reflectieve journaling, listening assesment, empathy walk

Opvallende “techniek”:

Mooie “technieken” die ervoor zorgen dat de Mooc dichtbij, in mijn eigen leven komt.

  • Listening assessment: iedere dag worden we gevraagd om online in te vullen hoeveel % van de tijd we op welk niveau geluisterd hebben. En 1 shift van het ene level naar het andere te beschrijven. Daarna kan je zien welke % de rest van de deelnemers heeft ingevuld.
  • Empathy walk: Je wordt gevraagd om je helemaal in te leven in een persoon die ver van je af staat en er daarna mee in gesprek te gaan. En een verslag te schrijven.
  • Coaching circle: het is de bedoeling dat je iedere week een sessie hebt met elkaar. Ik noem het een intervisie+++. Deze week hebben we als groep elkaar echt ontmoet en onze “waarom doen we dit” met elkaar gedeeld.

Inhoud die raakt:

Tijdens het verwerken van het lesmateriaal.

Deze video:

“looking with soft eyes” “just… with all that you are”

Het verhaal van Dayna Cunningham als ze vertelt hoe ze ineens haar eigen rol ziet in het kleiner maken van een ander. En daarmee “stopt”.
En de metafoor van het sociale veld, de leider, winter wortels die al/nog groeien

And I think in our society the idea of leadership is the heroic individual who takes charge, who makes hard decisions but what I’ve learned from presencing actually is that the role of the leader and of leaders is to attend to the frozen ground– to feel the seeds growing and to figure out how to cultivate that field. Capturing social reality creation in flight– that sounds very technical but this idea that how you pay attention in any given context can actually shift what is happening in the room. It is knowing that the roots are growing.

Beetje abstract. Ik vond deze TED-talk die zomaar op FB voorbij kwam er prachtig bij passen.

The four levels of conversation:

Deze week gaat het over kolom 2 (conversing) in onderstaande afbeelding. Ik vond het boeiend hoe je kan herkennen in welk level je gesprek was.

social-evolution presensing sharmerSo the fourth field of conversation is called collective creativity.

And where, as a group, we move into a state of flow, into a state of co-creative flow, where we no longer can say is it your idea, or is it my idea.

How can we know whether we have been operating on level one, two three, or four?

  • So when you come out of a conversation, and everything that you expected to see actually did happen, that’s a good indicator that you have been downloading (level 1)
  • When you come out of conversation that resulted in some new aspects, some new data points, some new viewpoints that you weren’t aware of before, that is challenging some of your own assumptions, that’s a good indicator for having been in a good debate, in a good conversation that is exposing youto some new realities outside there. (level 2)
  • When you come out of a conversation that not only is exposing you to new data that is challenging your assumptions, but that really allows you to see reality through another perspective, through another pair of eyes, and to begin to see yourself through the eyes of another, through the eyes, the experience of another stakeholder, that’s a good indicator for level three.
  • And then lastly a level four conversation? One criteria is energy. If your energy is way up, your level of inspiration is much higher, It has to do with profound innovation, which often feels like a birthing process. And the last and maybe the main criteria, is when the person that leaves the conversation is someone different to the other person that entered the conversation. And what I mean with that is that you are more closely connected to who you really are.

High-performing teams are not teams that are only operating on one level. High-performing teams are teams that can move across the entire spectrums of fields of conversation, while low-performing teams are stuck on one or two levels.

Wat ik inlever als reflective journaling:

The most helpfull part was the lecture on the levels of conversation. I recognized today in a faculty meeting better the levels of conversation.

More on my blogpost …

Wat ik inlever voor de Empathy walk.

I accomplished the first part of the assignment. I merged myself into the life of the other person, the one very different from me. I googled the person and the requirements of the job. After that, I wrote for an hour a journal, as if I were him/her. It made me look with softer eyes 🙂 I did not yet manage to speak to that person.


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2 Reacties

  1. Els Snels 27 januari 2015

    “High-performing teams are not teams that are only operating on one level. High-performing teams are teams that can move across the entire spectrums of fields of conversation,…. ”
    Kenmerk van Collaborative Learning.

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Thema door Anders Norén