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Studentfeedback #Rennes

IMG_5755As I believe I learn most by hearing “what worked”. I asked the students to write down for me what the strongest moment was, the moment where they learned the most during the module: Telling a trustworthy value creation story.

The agenda of the module:

Telling a trustworthy value creation story.

Program part 1 (105 min); A trustworthy why

  • Find the why of the company (20 min)
  • Does it create shared value (10 min)
  • Is it trustworthy (15 min)
  • Time to work on Question 1 (45 min)
  • Presentation and feedback (15 min)

Program part 2 (125 min): Inventory of the current CSR

  • The origin and use of ISO 26000 (10 min)
  • Principles of social responsibility (20 min)
  • Guidance on social responsibility core subjects (5 min)
  • The link with issue/actions and GRI (10 min)
  • Time to work on question 2 (60 min)
  • Presentation and feedback (20 min)

Program part 3 (130 min): The value creation story

  • Intro on “Telling well your value creation story” (10 min)
  • Intro of the central themes of IR, six capitals, value creation (10 min)
  • The simplified version, my own value creation story. (30 min)
  • Time to work on question 3 (60 min)
  • Presentation and feedback (20 min)

Program part 4 (180 min): Validating the value creation story

  • Integrated reporting, more detail. (30 min)
  • Time to work on question 4 and finalizing full product (90 min)
  • Presentation and feedback (60 min)

As always when I pose this question, I get confirmation that people take away lots of different things from a learning process. In this case they did not really stick to the question so I learned a lot more from their quick handwritten notes. Learned about the ingredients that made it work. I sorted their notes per subject.

And I share them, so people can see what students appreciated most. Maybe it helps in gaining confidence for trying sometime something new, a new kind of learning process. And as you’ve followed my preparations, you might like to know what the outcome was.


  • The structure of the course was really good, with the presentation (videos & ppt) and the application in groups.
  • Format you give is really usefull.
  • The format of the course also.
  • The structure of the session and its clarity

About working in groups on a case between the theorie sessions

  • The moment I learned the most is when we did the groupwork fast after doing the course.
  • However working with a group in one and a half day did make me benefit a lot. I believe we learn by doing.
  • Being able to participate is good, makes it more concrete
  • Format: having concrete cases to work on was a really good in in order to apply the concept. It’s much more practical. The course did not just stick to the theory.
  • The moments I learned the most is during the application of the concepts to the company assigned to my group. Applying concepts directly after it’s been taught is a very good way to remember them. (Application is better than just theory)
  • I like the way of teaching with application after the explanation of the key concepts. I really appreciated to have classes then direct implementations of theories. The 3 sessions went faster with this system. I suggest 3 questions rather than 4 (3 h = half day = 1.30  theories, 1 hour preparation + 30 minutes presentation.
  • The moments where I learned the most were the ones when we practically applied the knowledges. It allowed me to understand the course with concrete examples. It was more clear when it was applied to real life.
  • What really was interesting was the group project. It enabled us to understand the concepts and to see how concrete they were. Furthermore, it is less boring than a 9 hour lecture. We can act in order to learn which is really exciting.
  • The thing that I have liked the most is the structure of the class. The teacher explained to us the topics and gave us examples and after we worked in groups. This was very interesting to understand and apply the concepts.
  • When we worked in groups.
  • The fact to work on a real case was really interesting: We apply directly the theory on a practical case.
  • And the fact to work in team at every lesson.
  • I really appreciate the assignment.
  • Finally when we were working in groups, it allowed us to understand everything while doing it.
  • I think it is very good to straight applying the concepts in groups on a case.
  • I liked the work on the company. It was interesting to analyse the csr of this company. I am now aware of this new dimension in companies.
  • I learned a lot about the capitals and principles during preparing the assignment ppt.

What the student have to be/do

  • Some groups wrote feedback for each other. So I got information on what they viewed as attitudes necessary to succeed:
    • Active, good communication and good cooperation
    • Good at communication and pick up some good points
    • Good at overall outline for the whole program and control the progress, acting as a leader
    • Good at ppt-presentations and doing some refining
    • Corporate with each other on details, doing refining after the work and adding some points
    • Active and having idea’s, is great help for the group work
    • Having clear thoughts about the key businesscase
    • Finding lots of documents for us to use.
    • Doing the powerpoint.
  • And I learned how to search relevant information to have a better understanding of the case organisation.
  • Learned a lot from communicating with others.
  • I cooperated with my classmates and worked on the company

Effect of pressure cooker, a lot of work in little time

  • Also, during the intense course I feel I have learned to make a powerpoint more effectively and construct a good teamwork.
  • Interesting to work on it “intensively”
  • The difficulty is the TIME control. For collecting information and producing and our own organisation of the work.

Content: In general

  • I learned a lot about the value creation story and the concept of the “why”
  • The point I got from the course is to link the csr strategy with the developing strategy. If there is no connection between these, it’s nonsense of the CSR. The most important thing is to put those in reality.
  • During this course I haved learned how to tell a trustworthy value creation story of a company.
  • Content: a lot of new information and concepts. Video’s are interesting an consistent with course outline
  • The seminar was generally educative, enlightening and interesting.
  • It allows us to connect information, processes of the company with its principal mission.
  • I learned the importance of social responsible for the enterprise and the public.
  • We have usefull tools to evaluate a company CSR strategy.

Content specific

  • What impressed me most is part 3 . Because I never imagined every company could tell a unique story about why.
  • Then the video about “trust and trustworthy” is also interesting. Maybe a company could be regarded as a nature person as well, when talking about “trustworthiness”
  • Analysed the company’s csr strategy according using the iso management system and the GRI csr reporting guidelines. And we also know the important aspects of integrated reporting and how to prepare a framework of the integrated reporting.
  • I learned about the differen types of capital a company can have. How these capitals can affect internal and external stakeholders.
  • Learned about: Future oriented becomes first in businessInnovation competitive, Group footprint, Value creation
  • I appreciate most particulary how to assess sustainable reports using the iso 26000 core subjects, actions and indicators.
  • Iso core subjects and related issues.
  • Table of content.
  • Global performance, strategic of growth.
  • The video with why, what, how.
  • My favourite moment was the first video and the childrens video.
  • The moment i have learned the most: The iso guidelines; The why, what , how; Integrated reporting:that csr perspectives are spreader in the integrated report.
  • The 6 capital model allows us to allocate the other information on the company and formulate the value creation story. This part at in-course activity helps us to learn the companies value creation process in different scopes and take a proactive role in formulating the value creation story.
  • Video’s were interesting (ted); Work on question 2 (concepts, issues, action, measurement)
  • Iso core subjects and related issues, actions, indicators; video about the why and belief.
  • Video about the why.
  • The moment I learned the most is probably during the first ted tak. The guy was explaining well and it was great. Your explanation afterwards allowed me to get exactly how it worked.
  • The moment I preferred was when introducing the why; I learned the most though the capitals vision.
  • During the videos that were well selected and very helpfull for the work.
  • Having a deep understanding of the classification of the capitals and their meaning.
  • The video about the why (simon sink); The reflection about how to assess the thrustworthiness of a company; The links between the company and its capitals
  • The fact that a company “tells a story”
  • I learned mainly to analyse the corporate sustainability reporting ISO GRI of our specific company; I learned a lot about thes company and know more about the importance to be a “green” ecological company, tot use the technology to improve out life and create less damage to the encironment.

Presentation of the product after each working session

  • Presentation of the question of other groups
  • And the fact to present in front of everybody.

What the teacher was like

  • I liked this learning activity and the way you teach.
  • The teacher is patient and nice
  • And the professor is always caring about our considerations. I appreciate it very much.

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