De lerende docent

In ontmoeting de volgende stap te zetten

Mastery en Onlyness, houden van.

Ik klikte op het artikel dit artikel (via @joandewinne) en werd verrast. Het vat een boek over Mastery samen. (Ik heb alleen de tips overgenomen).

Wat dingetjes vielen op hun plek. Zoals waarom ik zo blij ben dat een goeie studente toch weggaat omdat een andere opleiding beter past bij wie zij is. (en waarom ik dus zo boos kan worden op het meten van propedeuserendementen). Het onderbouwt namelijk mijn gevoel:

“Om ergens echt goed in te worden moet het bij je passen en hou je ervan”.

What does it take to become a master at your craft? Is genius innate, or can it be learned?

In his book, “Mastery,” Robert Greene draws from the latest research, interviews modern masters, and examines the lives of former greats like Albert Einstein, Leonardo da Vinci, and Mozart to discover what it takes to achieve excellence. He argues that success is within anyone’s reach, if they have discipline, patience, and follow a number of important steps.

  1. Find your life’s task. Many people have an intense feeling about what they’re best at. Too often, they’re driven away from it by other people. The first step is to trust yourself and aim your career path at what’s unique about you.
  2. Rather than compete in a crowded field, find a niche where you can dominate.
  3. Rebel against the wrong path, and use that anger as motivation.
  4. Love your subject at a very basic level.
  5. Find the ideal apprenticeship.
  6. Engage in deep observation, practice incessantly, and experiment.
  7. Value learning over money so you’re not a slave to everyone’s opinion.
  8. Revert to a feeling of inferiority in order to truly learn.
  9. Engage in intense practice and lean toward resistance and pain.
  10. Rely on trial and error more than anything.
  11. Absorb a master’s power.
  12. Choose a mentor who will intensely challenge you.
  13. Absorb your master’s knowledge completely — and then transform it.
  14. Create a back-and-forth dynamic with all of your relationships.
  15. Master social intelligence.
  16. Accept criticism and adapt to power structures and society.
  17. Meticulously craft your persona.
  18. Suffer fools, and learn to exploit them.
  19. Awaken the dimensional mind, and be bold. The key to mastery is rejecting conservatism and becoming increasingly bold.
  20. Absorb everything, and then let your brain make connections for you.
  21. Avoid putting things into familiar categories.
  22. Don’t let impatience derail your plans.
  23. Value mechanical and abstract intelligence equally.
  24. Avoid “technical lock,” or getting wrapped up in technical artistry instead of the real problem.
  25. Fuse the intuitive and the rational. This is the final step. Deep immersion in a particular field, experience in an apprenticeship, time under a mentor, and unlocking creative potential create an extraordinary depth of knowledge and an ability to quickly and instinctively respond to any situation. Combining that instinct with rational processes allows people to achieve their greatest potential, to become masters.
  26. Shape your world around your strengths.
  27. Know that practice is just as important as innate skill.

Achievement through thousands of hours of practice seems so ordinary somehow. But it’s how most people become masters.

Voor punt 1 zag ik gister een prachtige video (via @numentum):

En voor punt 4 vraag ik me af. Kan je houden van “het vak bedrijfseconoom/accountant” on a basic level. Wat is het dan waar je van houdt?

En als ik me dan afvraag wat ik hiermee wil voor mijn expeditie. Dan gaat dat over punt 11,12 en 13. Aanreiken van “excellent source of knowledge”, intensely challenge (kritisch denken), absorbing everything, and then going beyond (betekenis geven).


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